IRD 2160 movieNET



Ultra High Definition Integrated Receiver Decoder with highest requirements for quality and excellent HDTV / UHDTV 4K (optional) and Radio reception capabilities.

The IRD 2160 movieNET is equipped with tuners (combinations possible) to receive DVB-S/S2/S2X / DVB-C/C2/T/T2/HEVC signals and two integrated Common Interface Slots (optional) for decoding various conditional access modules to decrypt Pay-TV channels.

Through the open GUI (Graphical User Interface) with custom HTML 5 is it possible to design / edit customized user interfaces (wallpapers, logos, menu layout and design, content, etc.).

All device settings can be made by using the WebServer or the graphical Display including front panel. The display serves as a control monitor, which is the playback of the current program, as well as present the audio by a stereo volume unit (VU) meter. In addition, the device has an RF-signal level measurement function of the received signal, which is also available on the front panel.

The integrated Ethernet and RS-232 control option give the option to control the IRD 2160 movieNET bidirectional and enables an optimal integration into existing control systems. The Ethernet and RS-232 interface grand the user to consult program name (program logo), program information, EPG information etc.

The received programs of the tuner can be provide via the 1Gbit Ethernet interface (optional) to the IP network as SPTS (Single Program Transport Stream) or MPTS (Multi Program Transprot Stream). 

The devices are designed with high-quality components, for continuous operation and are developed and produced in Germany.




▪ MPEG-1/-2/-4, H.264 MVC up to 1080P@60fps
▪ SD/HD 480i/p, 576i/p, 720i/p, 1080i/p
▪ DVB-S/S2/S2X or DVB-C/C2/T/T2 selectable
▪ Netzwork channel search LCN (Logical Channel Numbering)
▪ Image format: 4:3 / 16:9
▪ 320x240 graphical Display: Control monitor function from current TV-program incl. tech. data
  Setting of all device function, stereo volume unit (VU) meter, Integrated RF-meter
▪ Bidirectional control via 100 Mbit Ethernet / RS-232 interface
▪ Integrated Webserver for administration and control
▪ Update via Front-USB / Ethernet / Webserver
▪ HTML5 based OSD to support changes of background, program logo/-namen, etc.
▪ Teletext, DVB Subtitling, EBU Teletext Subtitling
▪ EPG - Electronic Program Guide including event information
▪ Termo controled fan (Power supply and System)
▪ Servicebutton to turn the display and front panel off (commissioning of more then one device)
▪ Volume level for each program adjustable
▪ Video: HDMI with Videoformat 4:2:0
▪ Audio: S/PDIF / Audio-L/R


Optionale Features:

▪ H.264 AVC, H.265 HEVC up to 4Kx2K@60fps
▪ UHD 4Kx2K
▪ AC3 7.1 / 5.1 Down-Mix
▪ Combination of Tuner:
  DVB-S/S2/S2X or DVB-C/C2/T/T2
  DVB-S/S2/S2X and DVB-C/C2/T/T2
▪ Up to 2 Common Interface Slots for Conditional Access Module like Alphacrypt (SKY,ORF), Conax, Irdeto Nagravision...
▪ 1 Gbit Ethernet Port for streaming support:
  SPTS (Single Program Transport Stream)
  MPTS (Multi Program Transport Stream)
▪ Remote control + 3,5 mm jack plug for infrared receiver
▪ Audiointerfaces: XLR 3pol. balanced or Phoenix balanced
▪ Video: HDMI with Videoformat 4:2:2 / HDR 10 Bit
▪ HDMI-Function: HDMI-CEC
▪ Redundant power supply with automatic changeover
▪ Up to 2 eSATA Interfaces
▪ App-Support like e.g. DAZN, InternetRadio, Spotify,, etc.


Description     Download
Technical datasheet (german)    
Technical datasheet (english)    
RS-232 / Network protocol specification (english)    
Firmware update procedure (english)    
Firmware v00.81    
High quality image of front    
High quality image of back